8 Best Essential Oils Safe Dogs | Essential Oils and Dogs list 2024


8 ESSENTIAL OILS ARE SAFE FOR DOGS: Power of Nature's Goodness for Your Furry Friend

Dogs, our loyal companions, deserve all the pampering they can get. Just like us, they can benefit from the wonders of essential oils safe dogs. However, not all oils are created equal, and safety should always be a top priority. In this guide, we'll sniff out the 8 best essential oils that are safe for your Dog.

Lavender oil, myrrh oil, chamomile oil, ginger oil, rosemary oil, citronella oil, geranium oil and frankincense oil are all safe for dogs. 

And, Citrus, clove, garlic, juniper, pine, thyme, yarrow, tea tree, anise and cinnamon oil are not safe for dogs. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new oils to your pet dog's routine. It was very important to understand purity of oil, use topically and keep other family members in mind.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

1. LAVENDER OIL: The Zen Master

Lavender, the crown jewel of essential oils, isn't just for humans seeking relaxation. This aromatic wonder can also turn your dog into the Zen master of the canine world.


- Calming Sensation: Lavender is like a spa day for your pup, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Anti-itch Hero: Soothes irritated skin, making it perfect for dogs with allergies or insect bites.

How to Use:

For a pup-friendly massage, dilute a drop of lavender oil with a carrier oil and gently rub it on your dog's fur. Watch them transform into the Zen master of the canine world.

Pro Tip:

Create a lavender-infused spray by mixing a few drops with water. Spritz it on your dog's bedding or around their favorite chill-out spot for an extra dose of canine calmness.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

2. MYRRH OIL: Nature's Band-Aid

Myrrh oil, extracted from the resin of the Commiphora myrrha tree, isn't just a relic from ancient times – it's a modern-day superhero for your furry friend. This natural elixir brings healing vibes and a touch of aromatic magic to your dog's well-being.


- Healing Hound: Myrrh has impressive wound-healing properties, aiding in the recovery of minor cuts and abrasions.

- Oral Health Boost: Supports gum health and fights bad breath.

How to Use:

Dilute myrrh oil and apply it topically to your dog's minor wounds. For a fresh breath fix, add a drop to their toothbrush or water bowl.

Pro Tip:

For a breath of fresh air, add a drop of myrrh oil to your dog's toothbrush or water bowl. Your furry friend will be flashing their pearly whites with pride.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

3. CHAMOMILE OIL: The Soothing Elixir

Chamomile, a tiny flower with big benefits, isn't just for tea lovers—it's a game-changer for your canine companion too. In the world of essential oils safe dogs, chamomile oil takes center stage as the go-to elixir for creating a calm and relaxed atmosphere.


- Gentle Sleep Aid: Calms anxious pups and encourages a good night's sleep.

- Anti-inflammatory Magic: Eases skin irritations and reduces inflammation.

- Motion Sickness Beater: Does your pup get a bit queasy on car rides? Fear not! Ginger oil is your road trip companion, helping to settle their stomachs and make those journeys a breeze.

How to Use:

Create a chamomile-infused spray by mixing a few drops with water. Spritz it on your dog's bedding or around their favorite snooze spot.

Pro Tip:

Remember, always consult with your veterinarian before introducing new oils to your dog's routine. Chamomile oil is generally safe, but individual sensitivities can vary.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

4. GINGER OIL: The Stomach Settler

In the world of essential oils safe dogs, there's one aromatic gem that stands out for its stomach-soothing prowess – Ginger Oil! Just like a warm ginger tea does wonders for us, this oil can work wonders for your furry friend's digestive woes.


- Digestive Dynamo: Eases upset stomachs and aids in digestion.

- Motion Sickness Beater: Perfect for road trips with your furball co-pilot.

How to Use:

Add a drop of ginger oil to your dog's food or dilute it and massage onto their belly for a comforting touch.

Fun tip:

If your dog is not a fan of the vet, a dab of diluted ginger oil on their collar might help ease the stress of a veterinary visit. It's like a secret weapon against both tummy troubles and vet-phobia!

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

5. ROSEMARY OIL: The Flea Fighter

Ah, rosemary, the fragrant herb that not only elevates our culinary adventures but also brings a bouquet of benefits to our furry friends. In the world of essential oils safe dogs, rosemary oil stands tall as a natural flea fighter and cognitive supporter.


- Natural Flea Repellent: Keeps those pesky fleas at bay without the need for harsh chemicals.

- Cognitive Support: Stimulates mental alertness in older dogs.

How to Use:

Create a dog-friendly spray by mixing rosemary oil with water. Apply it on your dog's coat before outdoor adventures.

Pro Tip:

Creating a dog-friendly rosemary spray is a breeze. Mix a few drops of rosemary oil with water in a spray bottle. Before outdoor adventures, give your pup's coat a spritz, ensuring they stay flea-free and mentally sharp.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

6. CITRONELLA OIL: Buzz Off, Bugs!

Citronella oil isn't just for scented candles at backyard barbecues. This zesty essential oil is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping bugs away from your furry friend. Let's dive into the world of Citronella and discover why it's a must-have in your dog's wellness toolkit.


- Bug Repellent Superpower: Protects your dog from mosquitoes and other biting insects.

- Fresh Fragrance: Leaves your pup smelling lemony-fresh.

How to Use:

Dilute citronella oil and apply it on your dog's collar or mix it with a pet-friendly lotion for bug-free outdoor playtime.

Pro Tip: 

while Citronella is generally safe for dogs, it's essential to dilute it properly and conduct a patch test to ensure your pup doesn't have any adverse reactions. As much as we love the idea of a lemony-fresh dog, their safety is our top priority.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

7. FRANKINCENSE OIL: The Joint Supporter

Ah, the majestic aroma of frankincense—known for centuries as the "king of oils." But did you know it's not just for wise men and ancient rituals? Your furry friend can also benefit from the wonders of frankincense oil. Here's why this oil deserves a spot in your dog's wellness routine.


- Joint Comfort: Eases discomfort in aging or active dogs.

- Immune Boost: Supports overall immune health.

How to Use:

Mix frankincense oil with a carrier oil and massage it onto your dog's achy joints or paws for a little extra TLC.

Pro Tip:

When dealing with skin irritations, dilute frankincense oil and apply it topically to the affected area. Your pup will thank you for the relief.

Essential Oils Safe Dogs

8. GERANIUM OIL: The Mood Lifter

Geranium oil isn't just a pretty flower fragrance; it's a powerhouse of benefits for your canine companion. So, let's dive nose-first into the wonders of geranium oil, the mood lifter in the world of essential oils safe dogs.


- Balancing Act: Helps balance emotions and reduces anxiety.

- Natural Tick Repellent: Keeps ticks away during outdoor adventures.

- Fragrant Freshness: This oil leaves your dog smelling delightful. It's a fragrant bonus to your cuddle sessions, turning your pup into the most appealing scent in the room.

- Easy on the Nose:  Geranium's aroma is subtle and easy on sensitive doggy noses. It won't leave your furball in a sneezing fit but will instead provide a gentle, aromatic caress.

How to Use:

Diffuse geranium oil in your home or dilute it with a carrier oil for a calming massage on your dog's neck and back.

Pro Tip:

Geranium oil is a fantastic addition to your dog's wellness toolkit. However, always consult with your veterinarian before introducing new oils, and remember: a happy dog is a geranium-infused, tail-wagging dog.

In the world of essential oils safe dogs, safety is key. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new oils to your furry friend's routine. With the right precautions, these aromatic wonders can enhance your dog's well-being and add a touch of nature's goodness to their wagging tails. Because a happy dog is a tail-wagging dog, and that's a fact as true as a sunrise in the West!

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