The Best Time to Feed Cat 😻 | MyCoolPet


Purr-fect Timing: Deciphering the Best Time to Feed Cat

Cats are finicky creatures. They roam the house as if they own the place (let's face it, they probably do!), and when it comes to mealtime, they've got their own mysterious schedules. But have you ever wondered when the best time is to put out that dish of kibble or that tantalizing can of wet food for your furry pal?

Best Time to Feed Cats

Best Time to Feed Cats

Ah, the eternal question: when does a cat get those hunger pangs? Cats often thrive on routine, so establishing a consistent feeding schedule can make your whiskered buddy feel right at home. Typically, cats prefer having their meals at regular intervals throughout the day. Whether it’s once, twice, or even thrice a day, sticking to a schedule helps maintain their contentment (and maybe even keeps them from plotting ways to overthrow your couch).

When is the Best Time to Feed Cats?

The answer? Well, it depends! Some cats might purr in delight if breakfast is served at the crack of dawn, while others might prefer a midnight snack like they're on a nocturnal adventure. Observing your cat's behavior can offer clues. If they start giving you the ol' "hungry eyes" routine or an impromptu tap dance on your keyboard, it might just be dinner time.

What is the Best Time to Feed Cats?

Let's demystify this a bit. Generally, feeding your feline friend earlier in the morning and before bedtime works well. Early meals mimic their natural hunting instincts when they'd be prowling for breakfast, while an evening meal can calm their rumbling tummies before settling in for a snooze. However, every cat is as unique as their individualized meows, so be flexible to cater to their preferences.

Best Time to Feed Cats

Best Time to Feed Cats Wet Food

Ah, the gourmet delicacy for our whiskered companions – wet food! This delightfully aromatic meal can be served alongside or instead of dry kibble. The best time? Well, that's a matter of personal preference for your feline royalty. Some prefer the moist goodness first thing in the morning, while others appreciate it as a delectable dinner. Experiment and let your cat guide you with their discerning tastes.

In the grand scheme of things, the best time to feed your cat is whenever both of you agree upon. Remember, keeping a consistent routine, being attentive to your cat's cues, and maybe throwing in an occasional treat can keep your four-legged friend happy and your couch safe from potential ambushes.

So there you have it - the mysterious conundrum of feeding time for cats. Embrace the whimsical nature of your feline companion and let the mealtime symphony begin!

What time should I feed my cat? 

It’s generally a good idea to establish a consistent feeding schedule for your cat. Cats appreciate routine more than they let on. Set specific mealtimes – whether it’s morning, afternoon, or evening – and stick to them. This way, your cat knows exactly when to start purring for their gourmet delights.

Is it better to feed cats at night?

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Some folks wonder if feeding their whiskered buddy before bedtime is the ticket to a peaceful night's sleep. Well, it depends on your cat! Some cats may indeed appreciate a nighttime nosh, while others might be more inclined to hunt down dust bunnies in the wee hours.

           Checkout This 😺 Meet the Charming Korat Cat | mycoolpet 

Should I leave food out for my cat all day?

Ah, the free buffet conundrum. While it might seem like a generous gesture to leave food out for your cat all day, it could lead to some, ahem, "fluffier" consequences. Cats are natural grazers, but unlimited access to food might prompt them to indulge a bit too much, leading to a less-than-svelte physique.

Instead, opt for scheduled feeding times. Serve up the portions your cat needs and resist the urge to keep the buffet open 24/7. It’s like hosting a fancy dinner party – timing and portions matter!

Best Time to Feed Cats

Do you feed cats in the morning?

Morning feeding sessions can be the highlight of your cat’s day. Picture this: sleepy eyes, a gentle headbutt to wake you up, and the expectant gaze awaiting the morning meal. It's like having your own furry alarm clock, but fluffier and without a snooze button.

my demons are on 200g per day each, i give them a pouch in the morning and then around evening time they get another, but they go crazy wanting food at 4am ish, not good for 9am lecture starts! i had my exams last week and laten`d all their feeds, so that i would`t get woken up at 4, so they had their final meal around 1am, when i was done revising and ready for bed. Exams are over now, and i still have them on that routine, they don't seem to beg for food now, but my sister was saying feeding them this late will be bad for them, they are still active at night but they are not scratching and biting at me due to hunger, but is this late feed bad for them? any thoughts? also is the amount im feeding ok? or do they need more per day?                                                                               - Mr.Shadow And Lightning


I try and fit my feeding time in with my work pattern to help them out.
I used to feed:
6am - 100g of wet.
1pm - top up their dry.
8pm - 100g of wet.
10pm-11pm - top up dry if required.
But now I only top up their dry when I am going to bed (very slowly weening them off it), between 10pm and 11pm. However, I try and feed them wet around the same times.
I am still woken between 4am and 5am though, but I think this is more attention than hunger as when I have fed them even around 6am, they don't seem overly greedily scoffing it down.
                                   - User0051

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